Licensing of sales packaging

No contract necessary - receive your confirmation of quantities within 3 minutes

Sales packaging is packaging that is typically offered filled with goods to the end consumer or comparable sources of waste generation. Service packaging and shipping packaging are also sales packaging.

Handling of transport packaging

Handle small quantities of transport packaging without much effort

Transport packaging typically does NOT accrue to the end consumer but remains in the trade. This distinguishes it from shipping packaging, which typically accumulates at private end consumers. Transport packaging is often used to bundle several sales units into one transport unit.

Licensing of packaging in Austria

Do you sell your products in Austria? In Austria, you also have to participate in a dual system for your packaging.

Find out more about your obligations in Austria. Read all about appointing an authorised representative and participating in a dual system.

Licensing of packaging in France

In France, distributors of packaging are required to join a government-approved take-back system to fulfil their extended producer responsibility (EPR).

Sales unit = number of individually packaged items (not necessarily identical with the number of shipments) You will receive the UIN number for the 'Packaging' section from Léko. This usually takes 5-7 business days after successful payment processing.

EPR Compliance Check

Do you sell your products globally? Then you'll face unique EPR requirements in each country.

Our report gives you a detailed understanding of your specific EPR obligations for packaging across Europe. You choose the countries that are important to you. For just €29 per country, you get a comprehensive overview of your obligations and the next steps to achieve full EPR compliance.

Note: This service is provided by our partner EPR Compliance. Request HERE your EU Obligation Check for the price of 29 EURO per country:

Your benefits of activate – by Reclay?


No contract binding

With activate by Reclay, you can fulfil your obligations easily and in just a few steps - without any contractual binding.

We guarantee you full flexibility with no hidden costs.

Full flexibility

License only the packaging quantity which you actually bring into circulation – before placing on the market.

Anyone who does not participate in the system until November 2020 for the quantities in 2020 is acting contrary to regulations.


Licensing to go

Enter your amounts, pay online and instantly receive your certificate of quantities – in a quick and simple manner.

Easy to use without inconvenient paperwork

activate - by Reclay: your licensing partner

activate enables you to meet your legal obligations quickly and easily.

Gemäß § 3 Abs. 14 des Verpackungsgesetzes sind Sie als “Hersteller” verpflichtet, Ihre systembeteiligungspflichtigen Verpackungen an einem dualen System zu beteiligen. Die Dualen Systeme sorgen für eine flächendeckende Rücknahme und Verwertung aller von Ihnen in Verkehr gebrachten Verkaufsverpackungsmaterialien. Für Ihre Transportverpackungen stellen wir die fachgerechte Rücknahme und Verwertung entsprechend den verpackungsrechtlichen Vorgaben sicher.

We have successfully operated in the area of packaging licensing since 2002. Since then, we have arranged the return and recycling of more than 3,500,000 million tonnes of sales packaging from our customers. You, too, can benefit from our expertise!

You have a strong partner at your side with activate.

You contribute to environmental conservation by using activate.

With your legally compliant licensing through activate, you can ensure the professional and environmentally sound disposal and recycling of your packaging and thus contribute to the conservation of our natural resources.

What clients say about activate by Reclay



"Auf meiner Suche nach einem Unternehmen, bei dem ich am besten meine Verpackungen lizenzieren kann, bin ich glücklicherweise recht schnell auf activate gestoßen. Hier lizenziere ich wirklich unkompliziert und günstig. Bei Fragen hilft das Team zeitnah und sehr freundlich weiter. activate ist rundum empfehlenswert."

K&L Wall Art GmbH

K&L Wall Art GmbH

"Durch die einfache und unkomplizierte Vorgehensweise der Mengenmeldung spart man kostbare Zeit. Außerdem sind die attraktiven Rabattmodelle ein Anreiz, seinen Verpflichtungen zur Verpackungsordnung zeitnah nachzukommen."

Gertrude No. 20

Flores Farm GmbH

"activate is self-explanatory and user-friendly. With this cost-effective and flexible solution we are able to register our sales packaging in advance and also adjust the numbers later on in case any additional packaging materials were used."

Leon GmbH

rhino's energy GmbH

"activate is very easy to understand and use. It is tailored to our needs optimally and hence the best solution for us to fulfill our legal obligations pursuant to the German Packaging Ordinance"


Please get in contact with us directly.


Activate Team

Phone +49 221 580098-2888
Email [email protected]

Our Activate Team is at your disposal from Monday to Thursday between 8:00am and 4:00pm and Friday between 8:00am and 3:00pm.

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