Packaging licensing

Packaging licensing with activate – by Reclay

The Reclay corporate group has been successfully implementing its concepts in the fields of recycling, environmental protection and sustainability since 2002. The company is a leading supplier of return solutions in Germany and, via its subsidiary Reclay Systems GmbH, operates two compliance schemes for its customers. Activate - by Reclay was developed for packaging licensing specifically for traders and retailers who produce a relatively small volume of packaging. They can enter their packaging volumes and receive their quantity certification , which serves as evidence to the waste authorities that their packaging participates in a compliance scheme, in just a few easy steps. In accordance with the currently valid version of the Packaging Ordinance, packaging licensing, i.e. the participation of the packaging distributed in a compliance scheme, is not only a legally prescribed obligation for large suppliers of packed goods, but also for smaller manufacturers and even mail-order companies. This also includes traders on online platforms who only distribute a small number of products per year. As a manufacturer or distributor of goods packaging, you must participate in a compliance scheme with your sales packaging, if you are the first party to introduce it into circulation. Reclay Systems GmbH ensures legally-compliant packaging licensing and fulfils the strict legal stipulations of the Packaging Ordinance. In addition, you can receive advice on all matters relating to the legally compliant return and recycling upon request.

Licensing without jumping through hoops: activate – by Reclay for retailers and small businesses

By licensing your packaging as part of a compliance scheme via the online platform activate by Reclay, you can observe statutory requirements without being committed to a long-term contract. Particularly for traders and small businesses who only have to license a comparably small volume of sales packaging each year, a long-term contractual commitment is an unnecessary hurdle. Reclay Systems GmbH offers your fair prices without setting a minimum order value. You can set up the packaging licensing with complete ease via our online shop and do not have to worry about any more superfluous documents. As manufacturer, you agree with Reclay systems that all packaging volumes that you introduce onto the market participate in a compliance scheme, and where necessary you can license further packaging as required. This means that you are not entering into any hidden obligations. Simply register online with activate – by Reclay. There you will find packaging materials subdivided into types such as aluminium, paper, cardboard, tinplate, natural materials and plastic. Enter your volumes in kilogrammes. To do so, you can weigh an empty piece of packaging and estimate annual consumption. Do not set this figure too high, as you can license additional packaging at any time. Feel free to use the contact form should you have any questions. You can also use the call-back service here. As soon as you have paid for the packaging volume you entered, you will receive an invoice and a quantity certificate, which confirms your packaging licensing. Volumes you have already licensed can be seen on the online platform at any time and you will be able to download an annual quantity certificate at the end of the year.

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